What Colorado Business Owners Need to Know About Workers Comp

Workers compensation in Colorado is a mandatory insurance system that provides medical and lost wage benefits to employees who suffer job-related injuries or illnesses. All businesses with employees in Colorado, regardless of the number of employees or their employment status, must maintain workers compensation insurance. This insurance, which cannot be charged to employees, is crucial […]
Understanding Worksite Joint Injuries and Recovery

At Midtown Occupational Health, we understand that workplace injuries, particularly joint injuries, are a significant concern for industries demanding physical labor. These injuries hinder employees’ health and well-being and impact your business’s operational efficiency. This article will explore typical workplace joint injuries such as sprains, tears, fractures, and dislocations. We’ll guide you through the initial […]
Building proactive support for injured workers

We all know the adage that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, but what does it look like to strengthen the links, when they are people in a work environment with an elevated risk of physical injury? Worksite safety is based on building people up so the worksite is resilient, not […]
Summer worksites see increased risk of heat-related illness

Workers in industries like agriculture, construction, outdoor events, amusement parks, and road maintenance have long been aware of heat-related health risks, but in the last decade, with rising temps, some states and industries have experienced increased heat-related injury and death rates. Additionally, heat-related injuries in indoor environments without climate control have seen both increased risk […]
How Pulmonary Function Testing Helps You and Your Staff Breathe Easy

Our bodies have a hard job. Without us having to think about it, they perform tasks like pumping blood, digesting food, fighting infections, and filtering toxins. But few of those jobs are as vital as pulmonary function, a.k.a. breathing. How well our lungs get oxygen into our bloodstream has a massive impact on our overall […]
How to Recover from On-the-Job Injuries

You do your best to ensure workplace accidents don’t happen. But injuries can occur when you least suspect them. When they do, it’s important to see that your employees recover and get back to work swiftly, and with solid outcomes from treatment and recovery. Lost time means lost revenue, for both employers and their workforce. […]

Do you think you may have had COVID-19? Midtown Occupational Health now offers Antibody Tests to help those in our community determine if they experienced the illness. Notice: For the safety of all, persons entering our facility regardless of the type of service being provided must wear facial coverage of their mouth and nose while […]
What You Need to Know About DOT Drug Screening in Denver

Considering a job with the Department of Transportation? If so, you might have questions about the drug screening requirements. Depending on your job duties, you’ll need to be tested before you get hired and at other times during your employment. These tests can include drug screening and a physical exam. Even if you decide to […]
Create a Safe and Resilient Workplace

Safety managers know that creating a culture of safety is an ongoing process that requires processes and procedures, but sometimes more importantly, morale building and an attitude of teamwork and care that goes beyond just getting the job done. But how can businesses, HR departments, and safety managers develop a culture of safety and avoid […]
Why Is Pre-employment Drug Screening Important? | Midtown Occupational Health Services

Employee drug testing has become a common practice and for good reason. Most businesses have adopted pre-employment drug screening to not only reduce their risk of liability but also to ensure employee productivity and workplace safety. Employers subjecting employees to random drug testing midtown are less likely to experience problems related to drugs or alcohol […]