We all know the adage that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, but what does it look like to strengthen the links, when they are people in a work environment with an elevated risk of physical injury? Worksite safety is based on building people up so the worksite is resilient, not just when things go right, but also when things go wrong. One way to think about this resilient culture is not as a chain, because a chain is linear, and the only way to fix a chain is to replace the weak links, but as a city.

A city has residents, each with different jobs, different skills, and different ambitions and interests. A city also has a boundary – a scope of authority and responsibility – and unique external and internal risks. To create a vibrant city, people need to work together. Pathways need to be sufficient to allow for more than one group or process at a time, and the city needs a way to respond quickly when accidents or injuries occur.

A construction business, for example, might seem like it simply participates in building one building or road at a time, but in fact, as described above, it’s a microcosm of the entire city. When things are in working order, the business protects itself from external threats and internal conflict.

One way internal conflict can arise is around worker recovery. Some businesses minimize injury encouraging people to “tough it out” to get workers back on the job, but this approach increases litigation risk when employees recognize they are injured but aren’t being cared for. It can also increase the risk of further injury to that employee or other members of the team.

When a worker returns to work too soon without the capacity to perform their job, it can increase multiple risks to themselves, their peers, and to the job site itself. This work scenario is like a city with a poorly functioning floodgate. Under normal circumstances, no risk or variation will occur, but under pressure, the whole city faces risk. Sandbagging may slow the flooding, but how much better to resolve the risk before your city is facing flood waters?

At Midtown Occupational Health, we help businesses develop a comprehensive plan to resolve worker injury before it becomes a risk. Our screening programs help businesses discover and preempt health and capacity risks before an acute injury can occur. With a comprehensive screening program and immediate intervention if and when an injury occurs, your business is strong. It’s like a city with tested, working floodgates. It’s ready for the known risks that may come its way.

Where can your business start? Call Midtown Occupational Health and start a conversation with our service team about setting up a comprehensive screening and health plan. We are happy to become a recommended service provider for your business and to be the first point of contact for any of your employees who experience a worksite injury. We are known for our win-win agreements, based on standardized physical testing to confirm a return of capacity before releasing a recovered employee back to work.